For the love of cousins. These two...

Cherishing the little, magical moments of motherhood. Sharing my thankfulness for the blessings God has granted to me.
We enjoyed our new living room setup quite a bit. See how we've moved into the 21st century with the television mounted on the wall? Honestly, keeping up with the times wasn't our objective with this little project. It was more like "the walls are closing in on us in this small living room with 8 million toys, soon to be 16 million toys when the baby gets big enough to play with things". Space was the objective, and swapping out the huge big screen TV for a smaller wall mounted one was a big step forward. Our electrician (yes, we've done enough projects at this house to be able to call him "ours") was here on Thursday and hid all of the cables and wires inside our walls for us and we've been breathing a bit easier ever since. This was one of Jason's brainstorms, and it was a great one!
We all managed to get out the door and make it to church on time on Sunday morning as well. In Earth shattering news, Joshua went to kids church all by himself (well, he took Bear with him, but I don't think that counts as not being a big boy) which allowed Jason and I the opportunity to be in church together for the sermon. It was great. Lauren ate right before we left for church and then slept on my shoulder for the whole service. She was definitely hungry when we got home, but she made it 3 hours between feedings when she needed to. Good girl, Lauren! On the way out of church, Joshua held up the line of people trying to shake the pastor's hand by asking him 74 questions. We now know his favorite color and what color car he drives (two of his favorite questions for everyone these days). He also decided to tell him that Lauren is a baby and wears diapers, but he's a big boy and has learned to use the potty. I'm sure that was something Pastor Jamie was dying to know. Everyone humors Joshua pretty well, but some of these "going out the door" conversations with the pastor have been comical to say the least.
On tap this week... a hopeful playdate with Darla, Sydney and Daphney, my long awaited haircut and color on Wednesday afternoon and Lauren's first likely feeding with someone other than Mommy (I'm already having a small panic attack in my own head about this one), a few expected visitors, Christmas shopping (I love the Internet) and building excitement about our first road trip as a foursome to be in Lewistown for Thanksgiving. It's a thrilling life, huh?
And here's my favorite girl....so sweet!!
And I have no idea why this picture is sideways. The mysteries of Blogger, I suppose. But she's still cute and I just had to show off those bright stripes.
We have a big weekend on taps here. Tonight we're headed to church for a spaghetti dinner for people who are new to the church in the past year or so. It's such a nice gesture. Joshua is excited to eat noodles. I'm anxious to get out of the house and get to know some more of the people from the church a little better. Tomorrow Jason and a friend of ours are headed to Happy Valley to enjoy the game. Oh how I'm jealous. But, I'm just as excited to spend the day at home with the kids, Libby, Brooke and it's rumored that my mom may join them. We'll have a great time, and I'll be thrilled for some additional energy and attention for the kids. I'm missing Brooke something fierce as well, so I can't wait to see her. Sunday we may not venture to church due to the rest of the commotion going on, but I'm sure we'll be busy. There are groceries that need to be purchased and bathrooms that need to be cleaned. By then, I'm also certain that there will be a load or six of laundry that need some attention.
For now, Mommy duty calls. Happy weekend!
Our belated birthday visit with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday. Now that everyone is healthy, we could all get together again.
Not too much to report from this camp this morning. Joshua is building things on his Handy Manny tool bench while Lauren sits happily (for the moment) in her seat looking around. It's a rarity to have two hands with which to type, so I'm savoring the moment. (Any typos you've seen in recent days stem from the fact that all of my posts have been typed one handed. The hunt-and-peck typing method gets really old really quickly!) Grandma is on her way so that I can go to my post partum check up with Dr. Miller this morning. I can't believe that it's already been 5 weeks since my surgery. The time is flying by so quickly. I believe Lauren will be accompanying me to the appointment just in case it takes longer than expected. Can't have her separated from her food supply for too long, and it would be just my luck that someone would be in labor and need his assistance when I know she's screaming her head off here at home. It'll give Joshua some one on one time with Grandma anyway, and I know he really looks forward to that.
Otherwise it'll be another day just like every other. Change the baby. Feed the baby. Get the baby to sleep. Play with Joshua. Empty a potty chair. Make some lunch. Start some laundry. Clean something. Pick up some toys. Make whatever we're having for dinner. Wash some dishes. Repeat over and over and over again. The repetition is almost maddening if it weren't for the fact that the kids thrive on routine.
For now, Lauren is calling for me and Joshua is too quiet. That always makes me nervous. Better see what he's into...