My first blog post got rave reviews, so I thought I'd sneak another one in on Mommy. It's the day after I turned 6 months old, so I thought I'd catch you up a bit on what has changed since my last update.
First, I should say that the months are just FLYING by! Actually, Mommy says they're flying by and she wishes time would slow down a bit. For me, every day is just about the same and I really don't have much understanding of time going fast. But Mommy makes a big deal about it and is always saying things about me growing too fast and turning into a big girl right in front of her eyes, so it must be true. I've never known of her to tell me fibs.
With the big deal that was being made about me turning six months old, I was fully expecting some type of a celebration...a cake, maybe. In fact, I had my hopes up for a nicely decorated cake something along the lines of the one that Mommy made for Joshua on his birthday....the tractor cake...remember? I sat patiently in my high chair while Mommy set up the video camera and got out her regular camera, and I was sure this was my moment. Any minute there was going to be a cute pink cupcake with my name all over it, right? Much to my dismay, Mommy gave me a spoonful of peas. PEAS for goodness sake. You might notice from my initial reaction that they weren't my favorite.
Mommy said something about how she had to give me peas first out of fairness. That's what she gave to Joshua on his six month birthday and she didn't want us forever hanging it over her head that he had to eat peas first and I got something good like pears or sweet potatoes. Then she mumbled something about there being no secrets anymore with your kids since everything is recorded on video and digital pictures, so she wasn't taking any chances. I don't know.....but I wasn't digging the peas. In the spirit of being cooperative, which I usually am, I ate about 10 spoonfuls, but eventually I didn't open my mouth for more. When Mommy got the hint and made me my oatmeal, though, I opened as wide as I could and smiled really big. I sure do like that oatmeal. I usually get to eat that two times each day- once in the morning after Mommy feeds me and then heads to the office, and one after supper time. That stuff is awesome!
In other news, I've really been working on my sitting. I'm still pretty wobbly and topple over a good bit, but I can do a pretty good job if Mommy puts that Boppy pillow around me. We sure do use that silly green pillow for a lot of things. I think once I get a little bigger, I'll have an easier time sitting up. My rump is pretty skinny, so there's not much there to balance on right now. But I'm trying.
My favorite things to play with (or should I say, chew on) are my taggies blocks that Santa brought me and my flower rattle and little cloth purse that Daddy got for me one day. Joshua and I just love it when he comes home from work with a bag.....we just know he was looking for something special to make us smile. I'm starting to get interested in my little cell phone toy, but mostly I just like to try to eat it.
I'm still loving my Exersaucer and like to play in that several times each day, sometimes for as much as 15 minutes at a clip. As long as I can see Mommy and she keeps talking to me, I'm usually pretty content there. The pink seat is just about to be returned to Aunt Libby because I'm spending less and less time in it. When Mommy puts me in it, I immediately try to either sit up on my own or try to roll out of it. It makes everyone nervous, so they don't put me there much anymore.
I've graduated into wearing six month clothes and am just about ready to change to 1-2 size diapers. Mommy is hoping I can make it through her stash of 1's before I grow too much bigger.
I still don't have any teeth, although everyone keeps peeking in my mouth to check for them with the way I've been chewing and drooling lately. Mommy always says, "Nothing yet!" I hope they come in soon because I'm tiring of having people pry my mouth open to check.
I go to the doctor on the 13th of April, so I'm sure Mommy will report how big I am after that. I know I've grown, but I guess it remains to be seen just how much.
I'm really looking forward to a trip to Lewistown this weekend for Easter. Mommy picked me out a really special little outfit that she just knows is going to be cute enough to justify the small fortune she spent on it. She declares that Gymboree is to blame for the cost of it because if they don't want you to fall victim, they should limit the cuteness and not make everything coordinate. She says that she finds it impossible to turn down things that match....and that it's part of her sickness. Whatever that means. I just know I'm going to look gooooo-ooood.
Talk to you all again soon!