I'm glad to have a few pictures to share after our weekend adventure. I feel like we did a lot of running around, but it was a great weekend.
Friday afternoon I snuck out of the office early and spent some extra time at home with Joshua. While he napped, I cleaned and rested a little bit and even did a little cooking. My mom and dad were gracious enough to come and spend a few hours with Joshua while Jason and I went out on a date. It's been far too long since we've done that, and despite feeling guilty for running my parents all the way to our house so that we could do something selfish like go out for dinner, we had a really nice time. We ate too much, and even talked through dinner. I almost forgot how nice it was to eat a hot meal without shovelling it in to deal with Joshua. Add that to the list of things I didn't figure on when awaiting and anticipating motherhood.
Saturday we did some running around to the mall. Joshua's highlight was throwing pennies into the fountain and eating his lunch on the way home in the car. He thought he was hot stuff. After his nap, Jason and I took him on a playground tour in the development. He was in his glory and really seemed to have fun.
Sunday morning we headed for church. Joshua, normally the quiet and compliant child (only while in church, my friends) was a chatterbox. They had a baby dedication and he insisted on jabbering all the way through it. If we were praying, he had to physically open my eyes to talk to me. Snacks didn't do the trick, nor did any form of diversion I had packed in the bag. So off to kids church he (or should I say "we" went). He was having no part of me leaving him there to play with the kids. There were 10-12 of them (hard to count when they never stop moving) and God bless the teacher. She's a saint, I swear it. She had them dancing and singing, memorizing a Bible verse, listening to a story, making a craft, eating a snack and playing Play-Doh. It's a good thing I stayed--- I didn't know that they did snacks, but it was totally not OK for Joshua and the peanut issue. So luckily there was a safe option. He wouldn't have known it, but luckily I was there to step in. Hopefully he'll get used to going with the other kids because I really think it would be good for him to have that hour of time with the others...and maybe eventually without me lurking in the background. Hey, a mom can dream, can't she?
We worked around the house yesterday. Actually, Jason was the one who really worked. We're preparing for the transition from 2 closets (one for each of us) down to one that we share when the new baby comes. Joshua will be making the move into a big room when we transform his room back into a nursery. Lots of shifting...but first, there must be LOTS of cleaning. I have yet to begin, but I can assure you that it's not going to be pretty....at all.
Today is Joshua's last music class of the "semester" (that still cracks me up). He decided this morning that he wanted to make a card for Miss Allison to say thank you, so we worked on that before grandma got there this morning. Oh how this child loves to make crafts! He was dressing it up with crayons, markers AND stickers. Miss Allison surely won't know what to do with herself. They're going to offer a summer music class this year, so we'll probably try that. Without divine intervention, I'm not sure that I'll be able to keep him in the fall session once the new baby comes, unless I can find someone willing to accept a newborn for a half hour once a week so that Joshua and I can go and sing in a circle. Might be interesting. Lots of time for that kind of juggling!
And one funny story. My pregnancy dreams have begun. I had a very vivid "boy dream" a few weeks ago. This weekend, it was time to dream pink....really pink. I nearly woke up in a cold sweat on Saturday early in the morning. I had dreamed that it was my first day back to work. When I returned home, my baby girl was sitting up in the middle of the living room floor (amazingly advanced for 3 months, huh?) dressed in the frilliest pink dress you could imagine with her NAILS PAINTED! What?
Praying for Stellan...I just can't get that precious little boy off my mind.